Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Red Light

Today when I was coming back from school I heard about this guy who died in a car accident, crossing the red light, coming back from a bachelor party with his friends..
After I heard that, I didnt know if I felt sorry for his fiance, or felt angry for his stupid action.
That made me think a little bit about this hole history.
What was he thinking in?? He was going to merry, probably he could have children and live for a lot of years. Instead of this, he lost his life, and left a hole on his family, and wife.
Sometimes people dont realise that their actions can affect other people lives. Of course no one can imagine when our time will come, but we don't need to rush it, right?
He was probably drunk after a night of party, and just because a red light.. BANG.
Game over

I'm preety sure these cases happen a lot of times, and this one was just one more.. but please! Dont be such stupid and remember, you are never alone.


  1. nice post
    please submit ur link on my blog to gain more traffic

  2. ya... man people do some real stupid stuff like that sometimes!!!
